viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

The Eudist Family remembers Marie des Vallées A SERVANT OF GOD

February 25 is a significant date in the Eudist Family as we remember Sister Marie des Vallées, a remarkable figure in the life of Saint John Eudes, notably regarding his foundation works.

How does Saint John Eudes recall these events?

Here is how our Founding Father gives thanks to the Lord for having had the privilege of knowing the «Saint of Coutances».

«During this year of 1641, in the month of August, God blessed me with the greatest of all the favors I have received from His infinite Bounty; for it is from then that I had the pleasure of knowing Sister Marie des Vallées, by whom our divine Majesty bestowed upon me a great many graces already known. After God, I am under a great obligation to our most honoured Lady and most beloved Mother, to whom I can never give thanks enough…

Blessed be the Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for You have revealed to the simple what You have revealed to the wise. Rejoice, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, thou art blessed amongst all women et Jesus the fruit of thy womb is holy. Amen». 
(Memorial of the bounties of God,34)

This text from the Memorial, which reveals the importance that had Marie des Vallées in the life of John Eudes, also shows how the Servant of God was a channel by which the grace of God was bestowed upon Father Eudes.

Who was Marie des Vallées ?

Marie des Vallées was born, in France, on February 15, 1590 and passed away in her homeland on February 25, 1656. At a very young age, she received the sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation. From this point on, she submitted herself wholly to the will of God. The world in which Marie lived was plagued with corruption. The formation of priests was very bad and sorcery was common amongst the poor. Marie stands out as mystical figure greatly misunderstood in her times. In fact, many considered her as insane and Saint John Eudes came upon serious difficulties because of his relationship with her. She had very bad health problems, she was submitted to attacks from the Evil and the endless oppression of people, all which leaded her to her tomb. Her reputation as a saint appeared only after her death.

Sister Marie des Vallées is now considered as a Servant of God in the entire Eudist Family.


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