viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

Eudists of Minuto de Dios prepare themselves for solenity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“A feast which is a part of our rich heritage " that is how P. Raúl Téllez Villamil, Provincial Superior of the Minuto de Dios, referred himself in the last circular to the event which Eudists are going to live on the next 20th of October .

Father Téllez quoted holy Jean Eudes who speaks about the Heart as about the home of love: " the Heart of Jesus forms a single heart with that of the Father and the holy Spirit and is a home of love for us ". It is with this Trinitarian key, that the superior of the young Province greeted all the eudists of the Minuto de Dios, by inviting them " to unite the worship of the Heart of Jesus with the worship of the Heart of the Father and the holy Spirit and with this beautiful image of the home of love for us. "

This Trinitarian love is the opportunity for every Eudist to plunge into exercises of personal and community prayer " to cure our wounds, encourage us in the middle of our difficulties and demanding spots and, more, to fill us with new reasons for building a deserving life at the personal and community level, knowing us loved and profoundly forgiven, and so called to share this home of love with the poor people and the outcasts of today; in front of a world which tries to lock us into selfish interests, often justified by opposite ideologies in search of the common good ", as asserts it the provincial circular.

Father Provincial has guest Eudists to participate in the mass in honor of the Heart of Jesus, in the church of the parish holy Jean Eudes (barrio Minuto de Dios - Bogotá), next Friday, October 20th, at 6:30 pm. In this occasion, two candidates will receive ministry of acolyte and four will enter in the time of probation for the eudists life.

To end, the superior of the Minuto of Dios also has to exhort his colleagues to participate to retirement in the Provincial Assembly which will take place in November.

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